Plaid Tunic: Cavender’s (sold out, similar here) // Pants: Old Navy under $20!!! // Tshirt: Hot Topic // Boots: Target sold out (similar only $11.99, and similar only $22.99) // Bag: Amazon
Last week on my Instastories I did a little challenge where people sent me an emoji and I would have to choose my favorite picture off of their Instagram and post it. One of the people I shared was my girl Chrissy from Granola and Grace. The reasoning behind the post I chose, was because it was a boomerang video of her just dancing around in a super cute dress and it showed her personality. It showed that she was being her authentic self. I wrote in my instastory that in such a saturated blogging market, seeing posts like hers is so refreshing. She’s not afraid to be herself. That is what sparked today’s discussion.
I was recently talking to my coworker about how people aren’t themselves anymore. They are so concerned with what people think and I actually kind of fall into this category. I was always an insecure person and was always worried about what other people thought of me. Whether it be what I looked like, my outfit, etc. It wasn’t until recently that I started realizing that I can’t be worried about other people. How can one go through life constantly thinking about what other people think? When I take blogging pictures for example, I’m always so concerned of what bystanders think when we take pictures and my fiancé always tells me to stop caring and just pretend that I’m a model. You can see it in my pictures when I’m so concerned with other people watching me. I guess my excuse is because, where I’m from, no one has any idea what a blog is. Maybe some of the younger generation does, but I’ve had people come up to me multiple times and ask me what I was doing, and once I tell them it’s for my blog I have to explain what a blog actually is. I also don’t want people thinking I’m a narcissist. That’s honestly the last thing I want people thinking because I’m far from. I’m going to admit that I’m probably the most insecure person you will ever meet.
No one on this earth is perfect. I don’t care what anyone says. You may think a celebrity is perfect, but they aren’t. They might look perfect, but you don’t know what goes on behind closed doors. At the same time I look at some celebrities and think how stressful they must be over their appearance because god forbid you walk out of your house not all glammed up, the whole world will see because paparazzi will be all over it. I think being judgmental also has to do with a lot of people not being able to be themselves, because they’re afraid of being judged by others. If more people were concerned with making themselves and those around them happy, the world would be a much better place. I remember being in high school and I was always friends with the punk rock/goth kids. They were honestly some of the nicest people, but because of how they dress and look a lot of people were terrified/judgmental of them. I remember hearing people say some really awful things about them.
Basically, my point of this entire post is to show everyone to just be yourself. People can tell when you aren’t being yourself, ESPECIALLY if they know you when you are yourself. Don’t be concerned about what other people think or what other people are doing with their lives. At the end of the day you have to look at yourself in that mirror. Are you proud of who is looking back at you? Were you unapolgetically you?
Also, if you’re looking for someone who is totally himself just look up “Funny in Public” on Facebook. The videos when Shakira takes over, when Nicki Minaj takes over, and when Cardi B takes over are my favorites haha.
Shop the Post (minus the Nirvana tshirt, I guess it’s too alternative for the affiliates haha)
xoxo Monica
**Please note, this post contains affiliate links.
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Style Elixir // The Fashion Canvas // Walking in Memphis in High Heels // I do deClaire //The Pleated Poppy // Pumps and Pushups // Elegantly Dressed & Stylish // Elegance and Mommyhood // Posh Classy Mom // Lady in Violet // Glass of Glam// Shelbee on the Edge // Foxy Domestic Side
In today’s society it is hard to be authentic. Social media doesn’t help one bit especially when your photos have to be so close to perfect. I think we all have insecurities and we all want to be accepted but like you said at the end of the day do we like who we see in the mirror. And anyway, being perfect is boring! Lol 😂 Being perfectly imperfect is better when you can actually allow yourself to be seen for who you are and to allow yourself to be excluded from groups because you don’t meet their criteria and to just allow yourself to live life the way it was meant for you. It takes courage and a lot of heart to go against the grain but it sure beats pretending to be perfect.
Maureen |
Yes, I definitely agree with you!
It ends up being too hard to try to be someone you’re not…of course it’s only taken me 50 years to figure this out!!!
Love the leopard booties especially Monica!!
You are totally right! It’s so much easier to be yourself.
Great post and I love the outfit. We all just need to focus on who we are
Thank you so much!
I love this post! It’s so true to just be you. So many unique people are in the world and I think it’s so important to show yourself!
Yes, I totally agree!
Such wisdom in your words. I found myself nodding and relating to so many words. I struggle with pictures in public places as well and usually try to avoid public places because I also feel like such a thing is not a norm in our area. Good for you for overcoming these feelings and talking about them.
Thank you so much! Yes, taking pictures in public places can be extremely awkward.