Jacket:Â MakeMeChic (Amazon, sold out) // Cami:Â Old Navy // Skirt:Â Senior Fashion Merchandising Project (I was a fashion minor, just FYI) // Boots:Â Doc Marten’s
Keepin’ it real, as per usual
Y’all know that I like to keep it real in this little space of mine. I swear, I should just start a commentary Youtube channel haha. I feel like I would reach more people because who likes to read anymore? In my opinion, I think most people come to my blog for the pictures and not the content haha. That’s probably why Youtube became so huge, because people just don’t want to read anymore. However, until I do that, I’ll write down all of my thoughts here. So for today’s “keepin’ it real” post, I’m going to talk about some unpopular opinions. I know I’m not the only one out there that has these unpopular opinions, and some of these will definitely ruffle some feathers, and I don’t mean any disrespect, just my opinions. Opinions are like ass holes, everyone has one.
Pumpkin Spice and Starbucks in General
Well, it’s that time of the year. Bring on the pumpkin spice girls and the massive Starbucks posts. I personally hate pumpkin spice and think it’s gross. I love pumpkin by itself, and would go batshit crazy over hot apple cider like some of these girls do for pumpkin spice. However, I may have a bias opinion only because I don’t like Starbucks. I’m usually not picky when it comes to coffee (I have no problem drinking gas station coffee), but I hate Starbucks. I think it’s burnt coffee disguised as liquid gold to the public. You’re not tricking me though Starbucks, I see right through you.
Friends (the show)
I never got into the show Friends, and don’t think I ever will. I love certain scenes (for example pivot), but I just can’t vibe with it. I love The Office and can watch that over and over again, but Friends doesn’t resonate with me. I think it might have to do with the fact that my 8th grade graduation song was the Friends intro song, and I hated school, and didn’t really have real friends. I was always the one that felt left out. With that being said, I think that’s why I just can’t bring myself to like Friends.
Glamorizing Mental Health
Oooof, this gets me. I feel like very single person out there is self diagnosing themselves with a mental illness and talking about it so that they can be part of the awareness movement. Get off of Web MD, what you are experiencing might just be good old fashioned stress, not anxiety (not that stress is ok or anything, don’t misconstrue my words). We all want to bring awareness to a serious issue, but you crying over breaking a nail or having one bad day, does NOT mean you are suffering from a mental illness. Depression, anxiety, or mental health in general is debilitating, and when you glamorize an issue like this, it truly takes away from the people who are suffering incredibly. I’m glad that the awareness of mental illness is opening up a lot of discussions and people are more open to asking for help because they don’t have to feel ashamed, or we as a human race are more aware of ques of this illness, but saying you have a mental illness so that you can “fit in” is disgusting. There is an influencer (I forget her name) who talked about how she had anxiety and was actually diagnosed with it, but here’s where it gets me aggravated. She created a clothing line (that has things on it like my anxiety has anxiety, or things of that nature) and said how 10% of the proceeds will go to an organization that deals with Anxiety cases. So, where is the rest of that 90% going? You’re obviously pocketing most of it. However, how can we be mad at someone doing this, she’s bringing awareness that’s good, right? Wrong. You’re profiting off of a very serious issue because it’s “trendy.”
Billie Eilish
Now, when I first starting seeing Billie pop up I thought she was so incredibly interesting. She doesn’t look like the average teenager her age, she’s not about selling sex. She’s all about the art and the music. There are some songs that I can’t get into, but I actually think her music is beautiful. However, the only issue I do see with Billie, is that her audience is also young, and because their brains aren’t fully developed they can take her music and possibly misinterpret it. You can tell that Billie has worked through some shit with her music, but as an adult I know that the music helps her express herself, whereas children who are already battling mental illness might take her music as something different. It’s slightly concerning. I know a lot of people have a bunch of theories and think her videos are weird, but I find them interesting. I don’t think they’re weird or scary, they’re just not what we are used to as a society. However, this is also coming from someone who listens to Marilyn Manson haha.
Lizzo Truth Hurts
Ok, unpopular opinion, but I can’t with this song. I know, so many people are going to think I’m crazy, but I just can’t get into this song. I really tried, and while it has a good beat, it’s just not my jam right now. Maybe several years ago I’d be totally into it, but I think it’s just not relatable to the point in life that I’m at right now. If this was 2010, I’d probably be all about it because of the toxic relationship I was in. It would have been more uplifting at that time.
“Relatable” Influencers
I’m sorry, but if you have a new Chanel bag every day, you’re not relatable. Some of these Youtubers that say they are relatable while all they do is talk about how perfect their life is, while sipping on their Starbucks is not the least bit relatable. If you wear scrunchies and lose fitting tshirts that you’re buying from Urban Outfitters that makes you privileged if anything. Your girl over here feels guilty buying something that isn’t a necessity nowadays. If you want to be relatable, why don’t you talk about budgeting, or shopping on a budget? Be transparent, because we all know your life is not perfect 100% of the time.
The other day I got lost in Youtube (that’s honestly my newest obsession) and stumbled upon a video of a Youtuber that I actually enjoy and do like to watch, make a video of testing out a celebrity’s day that included how they worked out and ate for the day. She proceeded to at 6am in the morning say that she doesn’t have time to make breakfast or have a proper routine and how she’s so tired because she’s used to getting up at around 8:30am. Girl, if I could sleep until 8:30am every single day, I’d be a much more pleasant and healthy human because I’d wake up earlier to make myself breakfast. You really have no excuse, and as much as I do love her message behind her entire Youtube channel, that one comment truly agitated me just a bit.
Being part of an MLM does NOT make you an entrepreneur
Let me say this again for the people in the back, BEING PART OF AN MLM DOES NOT MAKE YOU AN ENTREPRENEUR. I know that this will offend a lot of people but y’all should already know how I feel about MLM’s if you read this post. I talk more about my strong opinions against MLM’s in that post, but just to make a long story short, I hate when I get those DM’s from “huns” or “boss babes.” Please stop. You don’t know me at all, so how the hell do you think I’d make a great addition to your team? After moving to Florida and opening up not just one but two businesses and working from the ground up, I know what it means to be an entrepreneur and I’m not even part of ALL that goes on behind the scenes. You are part of a pyramid scheme, the only thing that makes it a legal one is that there is a product that gets sold. However, the way you will make more money in an MLM is via recruiting. According to the FTC (click here) 99% of people who participate in MLM’s will fail. After being part of not one, but two MLM’s, I think I can not only speak from the FTC’s facts, but also my personal opinion. For the amount of time I spent on both of those MLM’s, I made no money, and quite frankly, some of these are very cult like and extremely manipulative.
Rachel Hollis
While she may be a really good motivational speaker and has caught the hearts of many who need that birdy in their ear telling them they are good enough, I can’t seem to like her motivational business. My reasoning is because she stole quotes from many other people (most of which are either famous or in the motivational book/speaker genre) and didn’t credit them properly. She uses them in her speeches and it’s so sad that she passes them off as her own. I don’t care if you’re using other people’s quotes, but credit them properly! Don’t write a quote like “It’s Britney Bitch” and sign it as Rachel Hollis. Ok, that’s a bit over dramatic, but y’all get the point. I mean in 2016 author Maja Jovanovic wrote a book called “Hey Ladies, Stop Apologizing.” I’m pretty sure everyone knows what plagiarism is, and if you build your entire empire off of that, how can you sleep at night? I haven’t read her books and quite frankly, don’t plan to. She’s also targeted some of her motivational speeches towards MLM’s so yea, we already know how I feel about MLM’s. Just read this Facebook post or this Buzzfeed article to see I’m not the only one who has noticed this. You can also watch the video below, and skip to 13:27 for the Rachel Hollis bit (it lasts until I think 39 minutes into the video).
Not all millenials are bad
In case you weren’t aware, I’m a millenial (one of the older ones). However, I remember having to pick one show to watch because there was only one TV in the house (with no such thing as cable), playing outside and having a lemonade stand without getting shut down by the cops, a time when landlines were a thing, or a time before internet. I remember when doing research meant going to the Library and using the Dewey Decimal system to find books and read through chapters, not just type in the words into a search bar and voila, search results. I also remember VHS, and when I see a cassette with a pencil, I know exactly why those two things go together like peanut butter and jelly. I started with $80,000 of student loans and am paying for it on my own. I don’t think I’m entitled to anything just because I furthered my education. Certain things I believe in are very millenial like, but it doesn’t make me a bad person. I don’t want children because of the financial part of it, nor do I want to pass on my epilepsy to my child because there are studies that show it can be hereditary. Call me selfish if you’d like, because you’re partially correct. The last thing I want to do is give up my sleep because sleep deprivation is a trigger to my seizures. I don’t want to deal with the tough times of having a child. Yes, they are miracles and I love my friend’s and family’s children and am actually very good with them, but I like to give them back at the end of the day haha.
Using acronyms in most of your sentences (when speaking to someone in person, not online)
Using FYI or something like that in your sentence is fine, but the other day I heard a younger person use maybe 5 acronyms in one sentence and it felt like they were speaking another language. Maybe I’ve just gotten too old and I’m not hip enough anymore. However, it does remind me of the episode of The Office when Kevin is talking weird to save time. Below is the scene I’m talking about haha.
If you’re into ANY trend, you’re basic
When something becomes trendy, and you like that one little tiny thing, you’re automatically deemed a basic white girl. For example, I am a white girl who loves learning about true crime. Not because I’m bored or because I find the crimes interesting, but because I’m interested about the psychological issues behind these cold blooded killers. What drives a person to become a serial killer? Is it nature or nurture related? I also HATE Ted Bundy. I’ve had enough seeing anything about him. Can we come up with some new content? Which is why I love Mindhunter because they talk about other criminals. Ed Kemper and the Zodiac Killer were two that I researched in my psych class in college (very many years ago, when Facebook wouldn’t allow you to sign up unless you had a college email). Or how about UGGs. I’ve been wearing UGGs since high school (early 2000’s) because I lived in the northeast and it was pretty damn cold in the winter time. Just look up Basic White Girl in Google Images. Literally every picture has almost every trend from the past several years.
Rappers nowadays rapping about women
“And since we all came from a woman
Got our name from a woman and our game from a woman
I wonder why we take from our women
Why we rape our women, do we hate our women?
I think it’s time to kill for our women
Time to heal our women, be real to our women
And if we don’t we’ll have a race of babies
That will hate the ladies, that make the babies“
-Tupac Shakur-
Did y’all not learn one single thing from Tupac?! What is with all of these rappers nowadays who all they say about women are fuck bitches, I have so many side chicks bla bla bla? It doesn’t say much about your character if you’re ok with cheating on your significant other. Especially if you’re bragging about it. When you’re bragging about how many side chicks you have, or how you sexually assaulted a woman, it shows just how much you disrespect women. It shows how disgusting of a human being you are.
“Wholesome” Viral Posts
I love a good wholesome story, however this is a trend on social media that needs to stop. You don’t need to talk about all of the good things that you’re doing in the world. You don’t need to tell us about every single charity you donate to. This does show that there is faith in humanity, but it’s gotten to a ridiculous point. If you feel the need to tell people about every good deed that you do, it just shows that you need some kind of validation and that you’re doing it for the views or clicks, rather than the goodness of your heart. Of course, if you want to share a story that’s fine, but the people who are constantly posting about every good thing they do or are constantly posting about how they gave money to a homeless person needs to stop. There was an incident that happened a few months ago here in Florida, but I didn’t talk about it because I don’t need praise for doing something good, no matter how epic the story was. I’ve also noticed that a lot of these videos are extremely staged nowadays. You can tell by what the people are wearing. I know what a homeless person looks like, and that’s not it. If you’re really filming giving money to homeless people and you’re handing out thousands of dollars, why don’t you open up a shelter. Do something more for these people. That couple of hundred dollars will only get them so far. It doesn’t give them food every day or even a place to shower or sleep. Although, the videos of people rescuing animals and showing their before and afters I need to stay in my life. Watching an animal transform in those videos is my hobby.
How many of these do you agree/disagree with?
I know that some of these touched base on some serious issues that are being discussed nowadays, and I don’t mean any harm by this post. These are just my opinions. I feel like I needed to share what I felt because I don’t like to talk about my political stance or anything like that. As soon as I start talking about my opinion I get attacked and told that I’m not allowed to have that opinion. That isn’t right because I honestly don’t agree with a lot of things out there, but you are entitled to your opinion and I respect that. I respect when people can have a normal discussion with me even if our views differ significantly. I’ve even had people change my mind on a few things because of how they presented their opinion. Other times, I still don’t agree with them and we agree to disagree. My fiance and I don’t even share the same opinions on certain things, but we speak about why we have that opinion and if we don’t agree we move on, but that doesn’t change our relationship. If you disagree with me and want to put that in the comments, I won’t feel offended whatsoever. I haven’t had the experiences that some people out there that may change my opinions on issues like these.
Anyway, let’s move on to the linkup!
xoxo Monica
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 I do deClaire  // Elegantly Dressed & Stylish // Glass of Glam// Shelbee on the Edge
What a great post. I’m 60, and I’ve seen and been through some stuff, and I am thrilled to see that some of the younger generation are seeing through some of the nonsense out there.
I hear this all the time from people who are older than me! A lot of people in my generation don’t agree with me, and that’s fine, everyone is entitled to their opinion. It’s just some things that people reference to are Facebook posts, and you can’t trust everything you see on social media. You have to do your research.
I do agree with you on most of these! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Thanks so much for reading!
You haven’t lost me, I agree with you on everything except Pumpkin Spice! Thanks for sharing and for thinking and speaking with your own mind instead of spewing out what pc culture thinks.
Haha, and you’re entitled to your opinion on Pumpkin Spice! My taste buds are different, and I wish I could like pumpkin spice, because there aren’t many things out there with just pumpkin, it’s mostly pumpkin spice.
I love how you always keep it real! Great post. Thank you for sharing your opinion on all of these topics!
Girllll, I’m always keeping it real. I feel like I took a back seat on that as a fear of getting a lot of negative feedback, but even if someone doesn’t agree with my opinions, they always like my honesty, at least on my blog.
A great post to read! I agree with you on so many of these! And it’s good to know I’m not the only one diliking starbucks. I honestly love my home brewed coffee the most!
Ellibelle’s Corner
I’m always in a rush so I drink from my keurig, but even that coffee isn’t the same as home brewed!
Bahahaha, it took me days to write it! I tried to be as honest as possible without sounding like I’m just one of those keyboard warriors trying to pick a fight online. It does taste sour! I didn’t actually think of that until you said that. You’ve probably heard the Lizzo song because it’s literally everywhere, it’s the one that starts out “I just took a DNA test and I’m 100% that bitch.” Also, check out Billie Eilish, because after we talked about having same music interests, you might find her interesting. Everyone has a love/hate relationship, there’s really no in between with Billie.
Okay, so I watched some videos! I don’t think I am much of a Lizzo fan. But good for her rocking out that amazing white lacy lingerie! As for Billie, she is very dark and I appreciate her creativity very much. This is the sort of music I would have absolutely been into 25 years ago…but at this stage of life, I think it’s a bit too dark for my taste. But I will explore it more…you never know how things can grow on you. Thank you for making the introductions to me…I am all about being exposed to new music! That’s my whole blog post today!
I applaud Lizzo for rocking that lacy lingerie too, the song just doesn’t speak to me haha. I think she’s beautiful for sure. Billie is very dark for sure, that’s why a lot of people either love her or hate her. I didn’t like her at first, but when I listened to just the music without some of the videos I actually like it a lot. Her videos can definitely be a bit much for some people out there. I’ll take a read of your post too!
Oh, girl. A virtual hug is on its way to you! It’s so refreshing to hear these opinions from a young person. I especially hate the degrading of men. And, Starbucks? Well, soy lattes are my friend b/c regular coffee gives me heartburn ;).
Aww, thank you! I get that a lot from anyone older than me actually. I feel like a lot of people my age who do have the same opinions might be afraid to speak their minds. There’s a lot of back lash that you get, and it’s just hard to have an adult conversation. We are all entitled to our opinions, but at least ask someone why they have that opinion instead of making them seem like a monster.
This post made me smile, applaud, cringe, and laugh at various points. Thank you for keeping it real.
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
That is the exact emotions I was hoping to get from this post haha! I was expecting more backlash. I don’t know if it’s because my readers are very huge on respecting others or what, but I’m happily shocked at the responses I got. I didn’t expect anyone to agree with anything that I said.
What a post! 🙂 You hit on a lot of things that I can agree with and like you, I am okay with agreeing to disagree. That’s the perk of being individuals! I read Rachel Hollis’ book and I was torn about it and no, mental illness is not trendy. That’s not bringing awareness at all. I like Friends and I like The Office. I get both! 🙂 And I am one of those girls that get excited when pumpkin spice rolls around. But I am also that girl that loves gingerbread lattes! Whaaaatttt?? I like what I like. 🙂
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
I wouldn’t be able to do the gingerbread lattes. I looooove gingerbread, but I think that would be too sweet for me. I like plain coffee, unless I’m in Poland, then their lattes are so yummy. I’m quite shocked at the response that I got in this post. I was expecting to get ripped apart haha!
Amazing post!! I love when people post their “unpopular opinions” because it really shows that not everyone thinks the same, even if it might seem that way. 🙂 I personally also dislike Starbucks, Harry Potter, and people “believing in something” just to fit in with those around them. Thanks for sharing!!!
Jenna ♥
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