1 Year on Youtube!
It’s so unbelievable to me that I have been creating content consistently on Youtube for a year as of today! A year ago today, I decided to hit publish on a video that I did not think anyone would watch. If you watch it, don’t judge me, I’ve come a long way since that video. The audio was hot garbage and I was really worried I would get a lot of hate. Spoiler, I received more support than hate. During the summer of 2019, I somehow stumbled upon anti MLM (anti multi level marketing) content. I watched as others told their stories, and the research behind this horrible industry. Knowing it was a terrible industry because I had been part of two MLMs previously, I didn’t fully start researching until the day I watched my first anti MLM video. Having spoken about my dislike for MLMs on this blog before, I didn’t realize how much more there was to the MLM industry. I was no longer embarrassed that I had joined one, and I uploaded that video. My hope was to help at least one person with just that one video. That one video turned into the channel that I have today.
Related: My first ever post on my thoughts about MLMs
Research, Facts, & Statistics
To my surprise, the research showed facts and statistics that only 99.6% of people make little to no money (or lose money) within the MLM industry. I was shocked at this statistic because I knew it was bad, but not THAT bad. That’s when I discovered what Income Disclosure Statements were and that the FTC, a government entity, even warns people about the dangers of MLMs. While certain MLM companies do have government involvement (which in my opinion is how they get away with certain things, don’t come for me), maybe, just maybe, the anti MLM movement can open up people’s eyes.
Related: An introduction to anti MLM content.
The BITE Model and Cults
If you are part of the anti MLM community you already know what the BITE Model is. I have talked about it previously here. Long story short, it was created by Steven Hassan a former cult member who shows that this model can help determine if something is a cult. While some people compare MLMs to pyramid schemes, there is a deeper under belly to multi level marketing. That is indoctrination and how they are sometimes called commercial cults. With that being said, there is so much more to the MLM industry than just the annoying “hey girl” or “hey hun” messages that in my opinion, 99.9% of people have received at some point in their life.
Related: The BITE Model dissected a little bit more.
I’m not a hater
This is something I’ve been battling since I started creating anti mlm content on Youtube. I’ve been called a hater, a bully, even anti woman, and anti women empowerment. Not to mention the people who talk about my looks and how I talk, but that’s besides the point and those comments surprisingly don’t bother me. I think the reason why comments on my looks don’t bother me, is because you have to be a certain kind of unhappy and low to troll people on the internet and talk about their looks, while doing this anonymously behind a screen. However, that is besides the point, sorry tangent. In my opinion, I do think there are people in the anti MLM community that are quite aggressive and mean girls. This exists everywhere though. However, out of a lot of anti MLM content I’ve consumed, I along with many others decide to go with the kind approach. My issue is not with the MLM reps individually, I even compliment some of them in my videos! However, my ACTUAL issue is with the MLM companies/MLM business structure. Don’t get me wrong, there are some reps that are active scammers and had a questionable moral compass when they started with the MLM, but for the majority I think they are indoctrinated into the commercial cult. If you’re an MLM rep reading this, I don’t hate you, nor do I think any lower of you, I hate the MLM structure, and the people at the top that are making millions off of everyone at the bottom of the pyramid MLM structure.
Related: My response to an article titled “anti MLMers are privileged.”
I was there once
Another reason for me having a little more empathy for these MLM reps is because I was one, twice! I know what kind of brain washing has to happen behind the scenes, to “become the best version of yourself.” Also, when they tell me I’m anti woman or anti women empowerment I can’t help but laugh a little bit at the hypocrisy. If anything, MLM companies are anti women empowerment. It’s all a facade. That sisterhood dissipates when you leave the MLM the majority of the time. They only preach empowerment so that you distract yourself from the fact that you’re losing money, unless you’re in the top 1%. Also, look at the owners/CEOs of these companies, they’re mostly men!
Related: Why I’m anti MLM and not anti “hun,” yes there is a difference.
“Do your research!”
This is something I hear a lot in the comments section. Reps have told me to do my research time and time again. Here’s the thing though, all of my sources are always linked in all of my description boxes and unless I say “in my opinion” when speaking, the information is taken straight from the company’s website. When I say I don’t understand how the compensation plan works (these MLM companies make it difficult to understand on purpose), I will say exactly that. I never said I was an expert on the Multi Level Marketing industry, however, I am proud of the research that I have done. My counter is always asking the reps, well what research/studies do you have from legitimate sources backing up why MLM is the right way to go?
Related: Beware of MLM companies.
MLM Companies are Predatory
This is a topic I can go on for hours about, but I won’t waste your time with the long version of this. They prey on people at their most vulnerable state. How many times have you seen an MLM rep go on social media and say they had an amazing life before starting the MLM, they just did it for fun, and that THEY found an MLM to sign up into? I have yet to meet a rep that fits this description. It’s usually some kind of rags to riches story, or a sob story. When you’re at your most vulnerable is when MLM reps enter your life. Below is a list of people they target, and trust me, this is the short version.
- Women, and some men, but predominantly women.
- Moms: this includes moms straight out of child birth, stay at home moms, and career moms. Don’t even get me started on the mom shaming.
- Anyone with a chronic illness.
- Military Spouses
- College Students
- Anyone looking for a second job or to work from home.
- Anyone who was let go due to the pandemic, and they’ve used the pandemic to shill their products and “opportunity.” Carl Daikeler, the CEO of Beachbody, said recently that since the pandemic started they have recruited 200,000 new coaches. THAT IS ALARMING!
- Fellow church members.
I could keep going, but I think it’s also important to remember that the majority of these reps are not licensed or certified in whatever product(s) they are selling. Income and medical claims go against the FTC, and if you see this happening, you have to report it to the FTC. It’s not only illegal, but unethical and dangerous.
Related: How MLM companies are using the pandemic to their advantage.
It’s been a great year
All in all, it’s been a great year. Even with all of the bad, the frustrations of trolls, technical difficulties, and even the algorithm/not growing as fast as I’d originally hoped for. I would consider myself very lucky and I really can’t complain. Monetization was an option at the end of October in 2019, and who can say that they can monetize that quickly? While I try to keep my ads to a minimum (I want the viewer to have a better watching experience, and that’s probably why I don’t make a ton of money haha), it’s nice to know that I have a little extra money coming into my account every month. I have been saving my “Youtube money” as I like to call it. By 2021, I would like to take my Youtube money and invest in higher production quality so that I can have my own filming area.
I’m glad that I’ve been able to find a way to have an extra source of income that isn’t an MLM. If you know my story, you know that a little over a year ago I paid off the last of my $25,000 of credit card debt. In that post I talked about MLMs and how joining one will only put you into more debt. Unfortunately, these MLM companies really try to push financial freedom even though that goes against the FTC.
Related: How I paid off my debt, and why MLMs will only hinder your financial situation.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I just wanted to say to anyone who watches my videos, thank you so much. It’s so greatly appreciated that I have people who want to listen to me willingly lol. I’m so proud of how far I’ve come and so happy that I’ve met so many incredible people along the way. I wouldn’t be where I’m at today if it weren’t for everyone who likes, comments, watches, and subscribes to my channel. I know that in this post I only talked about the anti MLM portion of my channel, but I felt like I needed to talk about it because that’s what started this Youtube journey.
Before we move on to the linkup, I just wanted to say that if you use code FLASH at checkout for my merch you will receive 30% off your purchase. Some of the merch will be gone because I am launching new merch starting October 12th of this year! I’ll also be doing a livestream on October 12th with a few of my favorite content creators for my birthday!
Congratulations! xx
Congrats on this anniversary! Thanks for sharing your journey and for the link up.
How exciting! I can’t believe it has been a year already either. You have come a long way in that time, my friend! Your anti MLM merch is so adorable, too! Congratulations, my friend.
Congrats on your accomplishments: that is a lot of hard work! Love that pic of you with the glasses!
Many congrats! Doing anything consistently for a year is a huge accomplishment!
Congrats on your 1-year anniversary!
I can’t believe it’s been a year already! I’m glad you’re doing well, improving content and surviving trolls!
Congrats on one year! It’s always so exciting to see how far you’ve come. I absolutely love your headband/crown in that first pic!
Miles of smiles,