Well, this post was supposed to go up last week but I completely forgot and then it was too late. I also sadly had a death in the family.
On New Year’s Eve we found out that my last living grandparent, my Babcia (dad’s side) had passed away. As I’ve said on my social media platforms I’m not going to go in detail or give out specifics because my grandma was a very private person. However, it hasn’t truly sunken in yet. This was the grandmother that I thought was invincible. I thought she would live long enough to meet Scarlett in a few years. Unfortunately, that day won’t ever come but I know my grandma is watching over us. My grandmother was a very strong and determined woman. She’s part of why I am the way I am today. She constantly challenged me and we didn’t always see eye to eye but she was never one to sugar coat anything and she was very blunt. I’m sad that this day came much sooner than I ever expected. May she rest in the sweetest peace.
I also wanted to talk about something else in todays post and this is something I’ve been planning on doing for a few weeks. I will be taking a break. I’ll have a month long linkup going so y’all can link however many posts you’d like. There are many reasons behind this break, but I’ll be taking a break from this blog and YouTube to work on some content behind the scenes along with taking a break from social media.
This mama is in desperate need of a refresh.
What I will say is this all started with just wanting to take a social media break for a week or two but then the more I scrolled through my feeds, I knew I needed more time. I’m going to copy and paste the exact words I have written down for my social media. I know this isn’t an airport and I don’t need to announce my departure but because so much of my time is spent online, I don’t want anyone worrying.
“I’ve decided I’m going to take some time away from social media. I know this isn’t an airport and I don’t need to announce my departure but because a lot of my life and time is spent online I figured I’d post about it. As of right now, I’m planning on taking a month away but depending on how things go I might come back earlier. There are a few reasons why I’ve decided to do this.
I want to spend more time with my little family. Some might say I probably have been doing that, but with the house and transitioning into motherhood (something I thought would never happen), I haven’t been able to truly enjoy every moment.
Probably one thing that’s really taken a toll on me is comparing myself to other new moms who seem to have their shit together. Of course my explore page is filled with them now. This is a time that I should be embracing everything, the good and the bad. Comparing myself has affected me a lot and I don’t want it affecting Scarlett too. I know social media is mostly a lie and usually only showcases the good, but it’s been hard not to compare myself. I don’t want to continue down that path because there are people who would do anything to be in my shoes. There are couples struggling with infertility, loss, moms/dads not being able to stay home with their children, etc. I have the privilege of being able to stay home with my beautiful little baby. I’m one of the lucky ones and I don’t really know what I did in life to deserve to be Scarlett’s mom. Which is why I need time away to stop comparing myself.
Because I took so much time off from YouTube, my subscribers, patrons and channel members deserve content. I didn’t think I’d take this much time away from YouTube, so I do apologize. I don’t want to upload content just to have something to upload. I want to provide quality content (which takes a lot of time) with a little more energy because my first video back was really low energy. Or at least I thought so. If you are someone who watches my channel and wants to send me content to react to or just needs someone to talk to because you’ve just left your MLM I will be checking my emails periodically mejmoda@gmail.com
I will also be taking a month off from my blog, but I will have the linkup open for the entire month so feel free to linkup as many posts as you’d like. In addition, I want to plan out my content. It’s been a mix of things and I’m not sure if it’s almost been too much of a mix.
Lastly, I want to finally start turning our house into a home. We plan to stay in this house for a very long time so it’s not like I have a timeline. But because we’ve never had our own house (we’ve been renting together since 2016) we can finally decorate and renovate the way we want and not have to worry about a landlord having a problem with it . We’ve already updated a lot of things in the house, but I’ll share that on my blog in due time.
If you’ve made it this far, thank you for reading 🖤 Life is more than just a highlight reel and algorithms, and the only people in this world who deserve my energy right now are my daughter, husband, and family. I’ll be back once I’m ready.”
I’m so sorry for your loss. And I’m sorry to hear that you are still struggling with comparing yourself to other moms. You really are an amazing mother. Thank you for keeping the party going.
So sorry for your loss, Monica. Take all the time you need—the internet will still be here when you’re ready to come back (although I will miss your sassy MLM takedowns)!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
I’m so sorry for your loss. Sometimes taking a break and a chance to recharge makes the world of a difference. See ya when you get back my friend.
Oh Monica, my friend, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I know how very close you were with your grandmother and what she meant to you. You definitely deserve a break to rest and recharge. Take all the time you need because we only get one chance at living this life. Your blog and YouTube will still be here…but the moments with Scarlett will become fleeting before you know it! Take it all in now and enjoy every moment!