This month’s Your Own Twist Linkup theme is look alike! I decided since I have my own little mini me, might as well do this theme with her. My mom actually sent us these dresses but at separate times. If you remember I wore this dress when I had my Halloween series and I was Violet from Willy Wonka. Scarlett finally fits into this adorable dress from my mom. Both are Ralph Lauren.
Related: March YOTL Jewel Tones Theme
My Dress: Ralph Lauren (gifted) // Scarlett’s Dress: Ralph Lauren (gifted) // Sandals: Amazon
I cannot believe that my blog turned 9! I wrote all about it in yesterday’s post. It’s been almost a decade that I’ve had this blog. To think of where I started and along with being able to document some important parts of my life has been fun. I was able to document reconnecting with my now husband, moving in together, going to Poland and him proposing, moving to Florida, getting married, and of course Scarlett’s arrival into the world. I’m not sure if everyone who followed my blog from the very beginning is still here but whether you’ve been here from the beginning or now, thank you.
Related: December YOTL Ugly Christmas Sweater Theme
My Dress: Ralph Lauren (gifted) // Scarlett’s Dress: Ralph Lauren (gifted) // Sandals: Amazon
So, I found a park nearby. The pictures remind me of a park back in Jersey and they have great reviews. I asked my sister in law if she’s ever been and what she thinks. Apparently it’s a great park. I haven’t ventured over there yet but am planning to. The reason why I haven’t isn’t laziness or anything like that. I’ve been dealing with some postpartum anxiety. Driving and going anywhere that isn’t familiar has been very terrifying for me. I’m constantly thinking of worst case scenario such as someone hitting my car with Scarlett in the car and going anywhere new where I’m not comfortable scares me. Not to mention I can’t stay in Publix for more than 10 minutes before Scarlett just isn’t having it anymore. I might ask my husband if he wants to go with us just so I can feel like it’s more familiar when I go by myself.
Related: November YOTL Hiking Look Theme
My Dress: Ralph Lauren (gifted) // Scarlett’s Dress: Ralph Lauren (gifted) // Sandals: Amazon
We spent our first Easter with Scarlett in the new house. Unfortunately we were both so tired that we didn’t do anything special. Scarlett let us sleep in a little bit and we just relaxed all day. Next year we’re planning on doing an Easter egg hunt for her and the traditional breakfast that we used to make at my parents house. Anyway, let’s move on to the linkup!
Related: October YOTL Halloween Theme
Aw, Monica, I love these adorable teal dresses on both of you! And what a lovely background for photos! I hope this doesn’t sound too corny, but have you looked for any mom groups in your area? I joined a local MOMS club when my kids were little and it literally saved my sanity! It is an international support group for stay at home moms and they have chapters everywhere. You can read about it and search for local chapters at momsclub (dot) org. When I was a member, we would have playdates scheduled every weekday and anyone in the group was invited to join whenever they wanted. There was like a $30 annual membership fee that went toward field trips and stuff. Email me if you want more info! It really is a wonderful resource!
So cute wearing the same outfit as your little one! Love this!
Suzy x