I’m sure y’all are sick of hearing about the newest Instagram algorithm (it’s actually old news by now) and how hard it’s been for a lot of bloggers lately. Today I wanted to talk about a few topics, my thoughts on Vero, Instagram, Giveaways, and how I’m thinking of shutting down the blog. I’ve been in quite the funk over the last few months, and I’m still waiting for my “aha” moment to snap out of it. Let’s get started! Oh, and disclaimer, this is a bit of a rant because I’m actually really frustrated and irritated while writing this but I need to let it all out haha.
Ok, so I loved the idea of Vero and how it was supposed to be this new up and coming platform and how it would actually benefit bloggers. It’s basically a dark version of Instagram, but it also has other options where you can share your blog links directly, videos, music, etc. So basically you can connect with your followers on a different level. You can also have followers, acquaintances, friends, and close friends as connections. You can pick and choose what you want each group of people in your connections to see too. Let’s say I post something that’s super personal, I can pick and choose if I want my followers to see or just my close friends.
However, there are some major cons that I’ve seen and read lately that I wanted to touch base on. When I first downloaded it I could not do ANYTHING. It was super glitchy and I wasn’t the only person who had this problem. They ended up fixing this, at least on my end within a few days. On top of that a lot of people since signing up have gotten an insane amount of phone calls (because you need to verify your account with your phone number) that are spam. I have not experienced this yet, but I also always get spam calls so I really wouldn’t know if it was my normal spam calls or thanks to Vero.
Another major con is the CEO and founder of Vero. I read a few articles that apparently the CEO is not exactly a model citizen. He worked for another company where he was a “head honcho” at that left 30,000 people jobless and without paychecks. You can read all about him online, but ever since I haven’t really been active on Vero because why would I want to contribute to a social media platform with a CEO that has such terrible morals? I really honestly don’t know if I’ll stick with Vero because I do love the idea of it and the platform itself, but just knowing the CEO is a horrible person is something I don’t know if I’m willing to get on board with.
The social media platform that the majority of people are talking about is Instagram. I’m sure you’re sick of hearing about it, I mean I’m sick of hearing about it too. From a blogger’s use and personal use I honestly hate Instagram now. I can understand why some bloggers are happy about the new algorithm, but sorry ladies and gents, I’m one of the many who’s complaining. If you’re already an established blogger (that Instagram prefers over others), the algorithm doesn’t really mean much to you, but if you’re someone like me who’s on the Insta struggle bus right now, it’s really hard to get on board with those bloggers who are all for the algorithm.
My engagement decreased because of the new algorithm, so I did a little research. I recently noticed another change, that it’s no longer the top 9 posts with the recent posts below under a hashtag, but it’s ALL top posts and you have to physically click on the “recent” tab to see all the recent posts. Wow, thanks Instagram. Now it’s nearly impossible to get noticed, because let’s be honest, how many people are going to take the extra effort when the top page has absolutely beautiful pictures?
Not everyone can have the perfect Instagram that’s up to their standards. Not everyone is able to afford lavish travels all around the world, or a new Gucci bag every week, or even going to amazing events all the time. Not everyone wants to look like every other Instagrammer who all talk about the same shoes that they got from Nordstrom. I also am not a huge fan of Nordstrom since I worked there (obviously didn’t have a great experience) so I may also have a bias opinion against these Nordstrom happy influencers.
From personal use, I also hate Instagram. I miss the chronological order of things because I’m SICK AND TIRED of seeing the same picture multiple times in a week, or even seeing the same user multiple times a day. Yes, I liked two or three of their pictures, but that doesn’t mean that’s the only user I want to see. I also hate the fact that when I go in the explore page I see the same bloggers all the time, and when I follow a blogger that I’m ACTUALLY interested in (that’s not like every other blogger clone) then they don’t show up in my feed whatsoever. Even though I search their account every day and like their photos every day. They are still not showing up in my feed. Why is that Instagram? Where’s your algorithm for that?
I also started following hashtags and I’m seeing THE SAME PEOPLE. That’s not why I followed the hashtag. I followed it to discover many different accounts. If I wanted to only see pictures of one person then I would follow that person, right? I know that a lot of established bloggers have had the argument of “well we have more chance of someone seeing our photo when it’s not in chronological order because my photo from 3 days ago is still relevant in their feed” which is absolutely true and you have to have a certain amount of engagement to stay relevant and actually show up in your own followers feeds, but this rapid decrease in engagement is extremely frustrating. I understand Instagram wants to “give us what we want” but why would we follow an account if we didn’t want to see their pictures? Also, the amount of bloggers/instagram users that like the old algorithm is a lot higher than the ones who like it.
Side rant: if one more person tells me that some rep at Instagram said shadow banning isn’t real I’m going to scream. It’s happened to multiple people I know, myself included, and when you report it to Instagram you don’t hear back at all and you’re not seen to anyone for multiple days. This IS a thing, it’s not just small bloggers being paranoid or being “salty” that big bloggers are being chosen by Instagram to be seen. #sorrynotsorry Someone from one of these blogging groups I’m a part of was also able to speak with an Instagram rep and they stated that Instagram doesn’t know about like pods, and that, that engagement doesn’t count against you. LOL! Almost everyone out there knows what a like pod is. I find this EXTREMELY hard to believe. Instagram is totally playing the game right now. I used to love Instagram because I’m a visual person, but I’m starting to hate it. I wish that it wasn’t such a big platform that a lot of companies focus on. I’ll be here building up my blog instead of my Instagram, thank you very much!
Giveaways/Loop Giveaways
If you noticed last year I did a lot of Loop Giveaways. If you don’t know what this is, it’s a giveaway on Instagram where you have to follow a bunch of people as your entry to win what’s in the giveaway itself. Now, I did A LOT and I’m sorry for those of you who had to constantly see those posts, I look back on it now and see how ineffective they were in the long run. I stopped doing them because I started noticing that I was losing more followers than gaining. Since I stopped the loop giveaways back in September I’ve lost 1,000 followers so far. I’ve also gained followers at the same time, but that’s a lot of people. I decided that I didn’t want to “buy followers” anymore because that’s basically what you’re doing with a loop. You’re buying in to a giveaway in exchange for an unidentified amount of followers. It may not be a straight forward money for followers exchange but it’s pretty similar.
I’ve also decided to stop doing giveaways in general here on my blog, at least for right now. My mind might change in the future, but people who have won giveaways in the past have either not followed the rules and not posted about it on social media or have actually unfollowed once they received their product. HOW RUDE! **Said in a Stephanie Tanner voice** You won an expensive piece, or a bundle of things for free, you didn’t even have to pay shipping and you don’t post about it and you unfollow. Thanks to those people, they have ruined it for everyone else. The giveaways I did on my blog were personal. They were me wanting to celebrate something with my followers and other bloggers. It was a way for me to show my appreciation for y’all. However, out of all the giveaways I’ve done in the last almost five years and out of all the people that have won only two are still following. It’s just disheartening and I’m disappointed.
Shutting down my blog
This isn’t set in stone yet, but I’ve been contemplating this ever since the summer to be completely honest. I’ve been blogging for almost 5 years and am nowhere near what my goals were. I recently migrated my blog to WordPress, starting taking photos in different locations, and started doing more research about blogging/SEO, etc. I’m not about to go back on why I started, and I’m not about to buy thousands of followers or flash my body (except progress photos) on Instagram just to get noticed. That’s not me and it never will be. It’s not even tempting for me.
I hustle and this blog was my fun place, my creative outlet. However, lately it’s turned into something I’m not having as much fun with anymore. One of my blogger friends who I’ve talked to about recent decrease in engagement on social media shared her same frustrations with me. Nowadays most platforms are money hungry and just want bloggers to pay for sponsored posts. Which, if these actually worked then yea, I would totally increase my advertising budget for this, but I’ve done Instagram sponsored posts along with Facebook and really have not seen a difference in engagement or new followers. After talking to her she said that she’s been thinking of shutting down her blog but then she sees how far she’s come and thinks it’s not worth shutting it down because it’s something she’s proud of. She told me that maybe I need to take a little break and really see what my followers and readers prefer the most. I honestly don’t know what I will do at this point, but I’m walking that dangerous line of should I shut it down or keep going. I don’t want to give up, I really don’t, but at this point there are too many things bringing me down because I take things too personally that I don’t really know what to do.
I know that this isn’t my usual positive post and this is more of a rant than anything else, but I needed to let it all out. I also know that there’s bloggers reading this who feel the exact same way I do, but no one wants to be a Debbie downer. It sucks, and I really don’t know what to do anymore. Maybe I’ve just hit a rut, but who knows. It’s all just extremely discouraging. Maybe this has to do with the serious things going on in my life outside of this blog that are just bringing my spirits down in general, I’m not entirely sure, but this feeling is just not ideal.
xoxo Monica
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I can totally relate to your feelings about blogging. I started as a hobby blog and only started as a business last year but with algorithm changes fantastic social media growth seems a thing of the past for most. Although my numbers increase each month it started low and it will take many more years to get to a point of a moderate wage I could survive on. Thats years of working hours and hours each day. So I question my choices often. On the flip side it’s the first time in my life I’ve loved the work I do and it’s hard to give that up. But I need to be in a position to support myself. It’s heart against head. xx
I really wish you the best, and I hope that you are able to continue to support yourself through your blog because working for yourself and being your own boss is something a lot of people want. This is something I started to make my goal after a few years of blogging because I enjoyed my blog, creating content, etc. However, with recent changes, it’s just like you said, growth is harder than it used to be. Thank you for your comment and I really wish you the best with your blog!
I went through the feels of shutting down my blog and YouTube channel (and for a long while, I didn’t post anything on YouTube even though I was making money) because it wasn’t genuine anymore AND the whole algorithm situation. I did the conversion thing (WordPress, SEO, etc) with my blog a few years ago for the same purpose and I just couldn’t do it! I was only with WordPress for a few months and I had poured so much money into it, it was crazy! I eventually went back to blogger and I post when and what I want and stopped looking at all of the stats. I also took a step back and looked at all my hard work and said “forget this, I’m coming back (YouTube), but I’m doing things my way!” I’ve been restructuring how I would like to start back posting and I’m only gonna post content that I want to (not too many sponsored posts). There’s a lot of hard work put into this and it should be fun for you! I hope that you don’t choose to shut down your blog!
xx, Chanda | http://www.mschanda.com
Thanks so much for your comment. I have been contemplating if switching was a good idea because of how much money I put into it. However, when I read all the articles and when I do all of the SEO things I want to keep going because maybe, just maybe, I’m almost there. I also used blogger up until the end of January so I haven’t really given WordPress a chance yet. I’m thinking maybe a break is much needed at this point because I’m starting to feel less genuine. I’ll always be honest on my blog but lately it’s been hard to really focus on why I started. I’ll never be a “sell out,” that’s not even tempting to me, but I have to get back to why I started this blog in the first place.
I am having some of the same feelings. I have had to self assess every few months because I feel like it is more of a job than fun lately. I always love to read your blog and think you are fresh and fun.
xx, Elise
I thought maybe it was just me, but after the few comments I’ve seen so far it looks like I was wrong. Ugh, maybe it will get easier? It’s starting to feel more like a job for me too, and as much as I would love for it to be my full time job, I just don’t have the following to do that. Then I would definitely put more time and effort into it, I just don’t have that time right now. I hope you keep going because I love your blog!
I read your post yesterday but didn’t have all my thoughts together so here goes! Where do I start? Hmmmm…Lol 😂. Okay so I haven’t blogged nearly as long as you but I am frustrated with social media mainly Instagram too. I just feel like it sucks the life out of you and you end up worrying about the not so important things like numbers and followers. I almost want to say it’s a no added value activity if I didn’t want to ever grow my blog. I have heard of Vero but don’t plan on signing up. Matter of fact, I only really wanted to do Pinterest but added Instagram because at the time I was doing research on starting a blog Instagram was always at the top of the list for getting yourself promoted. I don’t intend to sign up for any other social media channels though. I just don’t think it’s for me. Regarding shutting down your blog, this is a personal choice and as a reader, I would be sad to see you go. I like your work and I like reading what you write. But I understand the feelings too because a blog does take a lot out of you and unless you really enjoy it, it can become a drag and no longer exciting which to your point, what’s the point? So as a friend, I want to tell you you are doing a great job. Hang in there and keep your head up. I hope today is going well for you. Happy Wednesday Monica!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Aww Maureen, thank you. I signed up for Instagram a long time ago when it first came out and didn’t understand the purpose of it until I started blogging. That’s when I was like oh, oh ok. I get it. I’m a visual person, but I didn’t know Instagram would get filled with so many beautiful photos. Now with all the algorithms it is difficult to just enjoy what Instagram once was. I know they are trying to ween out the spam and the bots, but I mean they’re basically favoring one group of bloggers over others. I do have other social media that I am active on almost every day for my blog and girrrrrllll it gets tiring!
Wow, it is so fitting I saw this post in the Turning Heads link up. I have been seriously frustrated too. Recently I’ve only been going backwards on Instagram whereas ever since I started it (almost 4 years ago), I had steady growth. I often wonder if it’s worth it. But I LOVE the creative part of it: the styling, the photography and writing. So I will keep on trying a bit more. I don’t plan on this every being a career, but it would be nice to get some steady views that could result in some (not all) sponsored posts.
Thanks for clearing up the top posts mystery on Instagram. I had noticed a change but couldn’t figure it all out. I had written about it here: https://www.polishedwhimsy.com/is-it-the-end-of-instagram-top-posts/
Good luck with your journey. You must do what feels right for you!
Thank you so much for your comment! I hope your blog’s views increases because I only want the best for all my blogger babes. I know how hard it is, and it sucks sometimes. I’m still unsure of the fate of this blog but after reading these comments and how all of you have said the same thing and are still going I think I’ll keep trying.